About Me

Dude in his 30s, starting his first blog. Damn tired of waiting for straight artists to create gay superheroes that AREN'T relegated to minor titles or vaguely fay. So I got off my duff and made my own!


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chapter 1, Episode 5

Gagged, Sanjay half-articulated a series of syllables that, with little difficulty, were understood as “Let me go.” There were other, more garbled and less-familiar sounds that neither man wanted to contemplate. They knew Sanjay, what his power did to others and to him. That he kept lunging at them, trying to get into physical contact, was sickeningly obvious. Danilo had never actually ever seen Sanjay in anything remotely similar to this. Sanjay had, over the years, developed a tolerance, and considering he only had to touch another for a few seconds to incapacitate them, that tolerance was all that was needed.
When he attacked Matt—Vagabond—he must have been in contact for several minutes, and considering the state Matt was in, it must have been like lip-locking an atom-smasher.
Still, to Danilo, there was something about addiction that made him want to beat the affected into the ground. And now, having recovered from the initial shock, he was now deadly grave. He didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to see this. He wanted Benji to take care of this and he wanted to not be bothered. He brought up his hand, slowly clenching it into a fist. “You think you can take me on?” It would so easy. Danilo would summon his power, his muscles would shine, and Sanjay would be airborne. It would take all of a nanosecond.
But if that very serious threat made an impact in the mind of the third man, there was no comprehension of it. Sanjay jabbered a garbled mixed of syllables that finally bunched together in a god-awful howl. Drool was running down his chin.
The two other men flanked him. The idea, Benji earlier explained, was for Danilo, stronger, faster, more agile, to immobilize Sanjay, and for Benji to get the tube down the man’s throat. Once they got the ball-gag out, of course. One step at a time…
The first part went fairly well: Danilo, an expert in several martial arts, after a few aborted attempts, got Sanjay into a full nelson hold, though it was not easy. Maddened, oblivious to pain, Sanjay, his arms flapping ridiculously in the air, heaved and flailed, a tornado of seizing body parts that made holding on to him like holding on to a writhing eel. It was clear he was trying to kick out. In the back of his mind, he had to marvel at anyone who could be so bound up and at the same to so impossible to hold down. He disliked situations when they were not like the controlled environment of his classes.
Benji quickly got the gag out of Sanjay’s mouth, which, not surprisingly, was followed by a gale of shrieks. It was pathetic to see. Sanjay, usually so Buddha-like in his remote tranquilty, had that skin torn away to reveal the maddened underflesh exposed, raw and raving. Benji knew a little of that.
And that momentary contemplation, that very human trait to want to reach out into the darkness to another, for solace and to be solaced, proved, as it often does, costly.

If there was a god, a divine entity, that played a hand in giving mortals more-than-mortal power, then he or she was a total bitch.
Sanjay is called “Paine” for a very good reason. For he brought one thing and one thing only to the battlefield: To be touched by him is to know the purest agony. Every nerve catches fire and burns to the ground, so fast your scream is caught in your throat, your mind is wiped brilliantly clean to see the very face of God and all the secrets behind it.
That was how Paine put it, but then, he always did take the poetics of the thing a little too far.
To put it simply, you cannot touch Paine without all the pain receptors in your brain going off at once. And Paine cannot touch you without all the pleasure centers in his brain going off at once. In a horrible irony, he cannot help but to enjoy, sometimes obscenely so, hurting people, or anything. Worse, he cannot turn his power “off.” 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chapter 1, Episode 4

“It took Quartz, Eartha, and me almost an hour to get him chained up,” Benji went on. “When Paine finally comes through this, he’s going to be sore all over. Eartha ain’t known for her patience, and is for her right hook. Sent the boy flying.”
            “You know, you could probably immobilize him—“
            Benji held up his hand. “I’m not there yet. I’d slam him against the wall. That could break every bone in his body, and I do not want to deal with that. If we can keep him out of a hospital, the better. But one of us will have to keep him busy, enough to get this hose down his throat.”
            The noise, a horrible, sobbing shriek, broken only by equally desperate inhales, only got louder as the two approached the bottom door. Danilo heard the unmistakable clink of chains. He also detected the unmistakable odo—
            “Hold your foot against the door.”
            “If he’s busted loose.” Benji flipped the light switch. The screams reached a nearly inhuman pitch. “Not that I think he did. But I want to know where he is before I open this.”
            “Right. Think I might need some extra oomph?” Danilo found himself yelling to be heard. His hand glowed yellow.
            “You’d snap the door right off the hinges,” came the reply. “I’m going to crack this. He should be directly opposite this door on the far wall.”
            Opening the door slightly, Benji peered into the dim gloom beyond. He smiled grimly. “Still chained. Come on.”
            As Benji opened the door wide amid a tempest of shrieks, Danilo reeled back, his hand to his face. “Aw, damn! It reeks!”
Benji stared sadly at the pathetic, screaming, writhing figure across the room. “Sweating, rapid heartbeat and palpitations,” he said, counting off on his fingers. “Tremors, vomiting,” the man paused for drama, “and diarrhea.” He sighed. “All the classic signs of acute physical withdrawal. With violent tendencies thrown in for color. I thought that three solid days of this would tucker him out. No such luck.”
Mãe do dues,” Danilo said with a grimace. “I’ve never seen him like this. He’s been bad before, but…”
“I don’t think he, or any of us, knew what he was in for when he attacked Matt in that whatever-it-was state,” Benji said. “I think Sanjay came damn close to short-circuiting.” Benji quickly closed the door. He didn’t want the neighbors to hear. Trying to explain this one to the police…
“Why do you have that ball in his mouth?”
“So he wouldn’t chew off his tongue.”
“Oh, yeah.”
The figure across from them lurched to its feet. His eyes were peeled back, but far from being glazed over or manic, they were horrifyingly, rivetingly clear and focused with a blunt, meaningful attention on the two men. His black hair was loose, free, matted with vomit and worse. Wracked with fire from within, a seizure danced across his body, first in one leg, then an arm, then the other arm.
He looked nothing like the man he was a week before.
Benji took a step forward. He was too tired to be threatened. “OK, Sanjay. We’re going to try to give you something to eat.”
“Why didn’t you bind his feet?”
“I don’t have shakles, or enough chain.”
“He’d work out of that. And tear his skin to pieces.”

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chapter 1, Episode 3

“I’ve been here, for three days, dealing with this! I haven’t slept, I’ve barely eaten, and I had to guilt all of you for the last 24 hours until finally somebody degraded themselves enough to help me! All you took off running! I need help! I can’t do this by myself!”
            “Whoa, whoa,” Danilo said, getting up. Bitch just lost it. “I’m sorry. I’ll do whatever you need.”
            Benji slid down the wall to the floor. The hate on his face was beyond anything before it. “And that I have to have a tantrum just to get some damn sympathy…”
            Danilo was quiet for a moment. A man never prone to thinking, he thought now. Benji could be the most bossy, obnoxious, and paranoid person on the planet. But also… “You’re right. You always just seem to...well, have a handle on things better.”
            “I’m about ready to fly off that handle and stick it up yo-…somebody’s ass.”
            The bigger man came over and knelt down by the exhausted one. “Let’s help Paine. Sanjay. We’ve fought off everything else. Not well or pretty, but we have.” He didn’t know what else to say, felt uncomfortable to say anything else. So he said nothing after than.
            Benji rose his head up against the wall. “I could sleep for a million years.”
            “Let’s take care of Sanjay, and you can give it a go.”
            “Ugh.” Benji rose, resting his head in his hand. “Come on.”
            “Right. What’re you wearing?”
            “I got my leather. Full bodysuit. Should work.”
            “Your BDSM gear? And you’re riding me for my ski suit?”
            “We’re talking PAINE, here.”
            Danilo rolled his eyes. “Comment withdrawn.”
            Had it been almost any other situation, the moment Benjamin Whitcombe and Danilo DeLeon saw each other after changing, they would have been on the floor with laughter. “What, you got mauled by a creamsicle?” Benji would say. “This from the Body Condom,” Danilo would snap.
            Undoing the locks to his basement dungeon, Benji made a quick check of everything. Danilo had tucked under one arm the shake, and just to be sure, a gallon jug of water. “Oh, wait.”
            Benji grabbed the blender out of Danilo’s hands, dashed to the kitchen, then upstairs.
            “What are you putting in it now?”
            Benji held up the sleeping pills as he swept past.
            “How many you putting in? Don’t get him addicted to something else!”
            There was a quick buzz of the blender. “Anything for a bit of peace,” Benji signed, coming into view. “Ok. Now. Ready?”
            “He was raving three days ago,” Danilo recalled. “Pretty quiet, now. Maybe he’s better?”
            Benji gave a sardonic look, opened the basement door wide, then loudly rapped the studs of his glove against the railing.
            The noise that came out from the darkness made the Brazilian go white. “Ho-lee fuck.”
            “Yep. He’s not constantly raving anymore,” Benji corrected. “So he’s either finally getting tired, his vocal cords snapped, or he’s just saving up the crazy for us.”
            Danilo gave the other man a freaked-out look.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chapter 1, Episode 2

            Danilo shrugged. “As well as can be expected. For Whirligig, anyway. You saw. Vagabond picked him up and just threw the man. Went through five good-size trees and a retaining wall. That armor of his brushes off just about everything, but he feels the impact. He’s in that stasis-whatever. Auto-repair.”
            “Did anybody ever find that gun?”
            “Are you nuts? Colton was at supersonic speed when he threw it!” Danilo said, pantomiming a herculean gesture. “It’s in the next time zone, babe!”
            Benji rose, stretching. “When, at least it’s out of the picture.”
            “I’ll say. Some little kid probably found it and is taking it to show-and-tell right now.”
            “Thank you for that.”
            “You don’t suppose that thing can be traced, can you?”
            Benji froze. “Oooooh.”
            “Let’s hope it was stolen.”
            “Look, one disaster at a time, ok?” Benji groaned, loping over to the cabinets.
            Danilo sighed again. “So. What exactly are you trying to get Sanjay to eat? Three-course dining isn’t usually reserved for crazies.”
            “I got a ton of protein powders. I figure something liquid would be easier. Got your beer bong?”
            “Right here!” Came the innocent, sing-song reply. Danilo was a hard-core party-boy. Of course he had a beer bong.
            “He won’t be able to bite through that, will he?”
            Danilo looked at the tubing. “With enough time and effort, maybe. Not in one chomp, if that’s what you mean.”
            “Good enough for me.” The other man plugged in the blender, then took town several tubs of things with the words “Ripped!” and “Shredded!!” and “POWER!!!” in bright lettering. Benji threw in a veritable pharmecopia of vitamins, the powders, some eggs, fruit, and let the blender do its magic. “You can get that down his throat and not his windpipe, right?”
            “I’ve done this a lot. Trust me.”
            “Not even a little.”
            Hmph. “You know,” said Danilo, eyeing all the high-tech, top-end…“everything” Benji had throughout the room, “it really amazes me you bought all this in cash.”
            “Comes with the biz.”
            “The exciting life of an escort.”
            Benji shrugged. “Like hell. My calendar’s been blown to pieces ‘cuz of all this. Next week’ll be a nightmare. AND college starts up in a few weeks. And that’s ‘high-end escort,’ thankyouverymuch.”
            “Heh. You’re lucky Quartz is such a good broker.”
            Benji switched the blender off, removed the lid, peered inside, shook it, frowned, put the lid back on and let the mixture go a few more rounds. “Falsed IDs, falsed bank accounts, falsed tax returns—I am the Falsed Man.” He rubbed his eyes again, red though they were. “Gotta stay off the ‘Net. S’why I never did porn. I can afford to have my face splattered all over the Internet.”
            “Not just your face, sweetie.”
            “Hee-hee. Ha-ha. Ho-ho.”
            “You really think they’d find you that way? You think they’d be checking out the porn sites at that…,” Danilo’s voice dwindled into a cough. He just went there. “Um. That place?”
            Benji fought off the creepy feeling with a shudder. “Can’t take the chance.” He turned off the blender. “Face-recognition software. Even if they aren’t physically looking for me, they have computers doing it. Romeesha told me all about it. Freaked me totally.” Benji leaned onto the counter, looking at the beautiful day outside. For a moment, he allowed himself to remember. “ We’d better suit up. No skin-to-skin contact with Sanjay, remember.”
            “Yeah, yeah,” What he wanted to ask, right before the moment passed, was that if he wanted to “stay off the ‘Net,’”then why was he in an industry where you never knew what was on the other side of the damn door? “I brought my ski shit. Think that’ll work?”
            “Not that orange monstrosity.”
            “I like orange.”
            “Yeah, and when Sanjay sees that coming at him?”
            “It’s Carmen Miranda after the sex change and steroids! Chico Chico!”
Danilo froze in mid-Carmen Miranda.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Episode 1, Part 1

Part 1

Ooooh. My head.
            He sat upright, still groggy from sleep. Then, nauseous, collapsed bodily with a dull “whump,” arms splayed out in a curiously Christian pose.
            It had to be afternoon. It had to be. He hazily remembered disintegrating the alarm clock sometime before. Anything for a bit of peace from that damn electro “braa-braa-braa.” He flopped his head over the side of the bed, nearly lost his lunch, eyed the broken pieces of the now very dead clock, then flopped back into his original virtual crucifixion.
            It was like a damn hangover. Emphasis on the “damn.” Arc would call it a “suicide Tuesday,” but then, the man would know. Inhaling, pinching the bridge of his nose, grimacing in dull agony, hoping whatever was in his stomach decided against a repeat performance, the man pushed himself up on one arm. He was only vaguely aware of the sheet falling in sculpted folds at his waist. The air was still, slightly humid. And, thank-you-God, quiet.
            First one leg. Oof.
            Then the other. Ack.
            Oh, for the love of…I’ve gone through worse and now I’ve met my match? A bit of his old self—well, not old, old. It was only yesterday that his former life came crashing to an end, after all—took over then, and he heaved himself upright on his feet.
            And went down like a sack of potatoes. The knees buckled, the muscles went limp, and the whole thing toppled.
            I just had to land on the damn clock, didn’t I? Bitch.
            Funny, how if one is exhausted enough, just about any position is comfortable. It could be on a bed of nails, broken glass, or even a broken clock, too.  I’ll die soon enough, but not on wannabe ‘70s shag carpet.
            Yet he did not get up. Not then. Instead, he ran his palm across the fabric with completely, absolutely and entirely normal fingers, feeling the texture of the fabric as if he had never done so before, as if this was the first time ever. He observed the fibers with ordinary eyes, inhaled the very slight scent of them through an ordinary nose
            As it was, the sudden smart of flopping out of bed brought most of his senses to the surface. Curling into a fetal position, then rocking up onto his shins, the man hauled himself up using the nightstand as an anchor and plunked himself back on the bed. Scratching the side of his head with one hand, brushed pieces of what had been a perfect good clock out of his chest hair, he blinked his eyes clear.
            Hell, how long as it been since I actually slept? he wondered. His back popped as he stretched. It had to have been years. Ever since he learned that constantly-conscious state of being. Fully aware, yet not fully awake, it was a state Paine and Scepter likened it to meditation. It was the only reference those two had, and since he did not care what the process was called (only that he mastered it), “meditation” was as good as any other term. In fact, most of what I do probably didn’t have a name.
            Probably a good thing. Most of what he had done probably shouldn’t be named anyway.
            He hung his head for a moment. Letting the dark, coal-black of his hair spill forward in a tangled mane. Sweeping it back, yawning, he set his jaw and stood bolt upright. Momentarily unsteady from the head rush, but confident that he wasn’t going to come crashing down, he took a step forward.
            And came crashing down.
Ok, now this is just too damn stoopid.
            This was right before the nausea hit. Scrambling, in a flail of arms and legs, he made it, flopping, to the toilet right before his stomach violently emptied.

Tug-of-War, Dandelion & Paine
“How is he?”
            “You serious?” Benji had his head in his hands, grinding the palms in his hands into his brows. Looking up from the coffee that had all but taken over for his blood supply, his eyes a deep red from being awake more or less for the last two days on watch, he stared-glared at the other man.
            Danilo pulled up a chair. “Don’t start, Suzy Sunshine. I came to help out, just like you asked.”
            Benji downed the coffee. You came to help out, just like I guilted you.
            “I still say we should take him to –“
            “—the hospital. I know, I know!” came the strung-out-on-caffeine reply. Benji leaned back in his chair. His wired appearance made the other man sympathetic, and uneasy. “Any idea how we’re going to explain what happened? Once he’s in, got any idea how we’d get him out? They’re not idiots. They’d figure out what he is! It’d take two seconds! And then—”
            “Ok! Ok!,” Danilo said, his hands up. He should have known better than to talk hospitals with Benji. Just mentioning doctors or emergency rooms or anything medical set the man on edge. And for good reason, Danilo conceded after a moment. “So what are you going to do? Just keep him here?”
            “Until he detoxes. Yes,” Benji slumped, rubbing his forehead with his hand, eyes scrunched closed. He could feel Danilo staring at him. The lid blew. “It’s the only thing anybody could think of.”
            Danilo crossed his arms. He sighed. “So what now, líder sem medo?”
            ‘Fearless leader,’ Benji thought. Yeah. That is so totally me. He turned to the man whose idea of getting back to his Brazilian roots was fucking his way through Carnival in Rio, with the occasional mojito thrown in for nutrition. Benji ran his hands over his buzzed haired, down to the back of his neck, flapped the elbows out. “It’s been three days. He’s got to be starved. And dehydrated. Crazy or no, I’ve got to get something him—not remotely what I mean!—or he’ll be in even worse shape.”
            The other man grinned. “And you need The Big Strong Man.”
            Benji was just too tired for the constant innuendo. “I need the mix-martial artist who can turn parts of his body into invulnerable battering rams. I would have asked Colton. He’s out, of course. How is he?”